Unfortunately, the relationship with a man is not only romantic meetings, a walk under the moon, declarations of love and quiet family evenings. Joint life involves a lot of everyday problems that must be solved every day. And often they are the reason for the discord between lovers: some men in everyday life resemble small children or vice versa, they are too picky and exacting to their halves.
Relations with the householder and an economic man
If you brought fate with a man who has golden hands and understands absolutely everything, then at first glance it seems that you pulled out a lucky ticket. The same is great when a husband can and prepare to cook, and wash, and fix everything that has broken. He even managed to build a house and plant a large garden. It would seem that a relationship with a man who can do everything should be just perfect. But, it turns out, not always.
If a representative of a strong state does a lot of things himself, then the thought arises in his head: do I really need a wife? He is not afraid to stay on his own, and easily breaks off relations, which in his opinion have already exhausted themselves.
Also, he can be satisfied with random novels and short connections. There are “eccentrics” who are afraid to let a woman to the threshold of their house, since it can make a mess there. Relations with “economic” men can not stand every girl, as they are often very demanding and want their companions to be perfect in everything.
About the husband-cook, probably, every woman dreams. And this is not surprising, since cooking takes a very long time. If, at least occasionally, this duty is entrusted to strong shoulders, then you can afford to do something more enjoyable. But often men who know how to cook well are too picky to their halves. And if the companion cooks worse than him, then constant criticism, which can spoil even the most ideal relationship, it can not be avoided.
Psychology of a man far from everyday problems
This option is very common. A man is not used to solving his problems himself, because his mother did everything for him. She did not like the soul in her son, and because of her psychology she believed that she helped him live. In fact, the only thing that she did: to grow a man who is not able to serve himself. And if he remains without female guardianship, he is often lost and can not in any way understand how to live further, where to go and what to do.
The most intelligent men try to get out of the situation by any means. The blessing now is full of public institutions in which it is possible cheaply and is tasty to eat. Also, we should pay tribute to such assistants in everyday life, as kitchen combines, dishwashers, washing machines, microwave ovens. Having equipped them with their dwelling, you can manage for a while without a woman’s hand.
If you decide to build a relationship with such a man, then tune in to the fact that all household problems will fall on you. He will not know where his shirts and socks lie, he will not be able to warm up the already prepared dinner and clean himself up in the room.
After leaving for a few days from home, get ready for the fact that on arrival, you stumble upon a mountain of unwashed dishes, a lot of dirty laundry and spoiled food in the refrigerator. And this despite the fact that your house is equipped with modern technology, which greatly simplifies life.
Often a man who does absolutely not cope with domestic duties manifests himself in the best possible way in the business sphere. He can be a successful businessman and a good leader. And many inconveniences are compensated by financial well-being. When there is money, the problems are solved much easier. For example, a wife can help a housekeeper and a nanny help herself. And if a faucet flows: it will cause plumbing, which everything will be repaired in a matter of minutes.
The psychology of the man in this case is clear: I do not have time for everyday life, since I am engaged in making money.
Relations with a man: a clear division of responsibilities
There are men who clearly know what duties the woman should perform, and what concerns the male “element.” They will not be forced to back away from the rules. The husband can fix the broken thing, twist the bulb, hammer a nail into the wall, etc. But even if you stay at work until night, do not cook dinner and feed the children. He will not go for food, he will not walk with the child and will not clean the apartment. Relations with a man can be spoiled by the wife’s request only to do something out of female responsibilities.
It is useless to hope for any changes, and having made a decision to relate life to such a person, it is necessary to clearly understand what matters will fall on your shoulders. The psychology of man’s behavior will not change exactly.
Duties can be divided and in another way: the husband earns money, and the wife is engaged in housekeeping. All domestic issues should be solved by a woman, and at the same time be grateful for the fact that she got a man-getter. By the way, many representatives of excellent articles, such a relationship suits. They are engaged in home and children and absolutely do not care about the family budget.
Male helper: the beauty of family relationships
The easiest way to build relationships with a man who does not disdain household affairs. He will easily vacuum in the apartment and cook dinner, take a walk with the child and go for groceries to the store. For him, there is nothing humiliating, and he shows his love for his wife with care and attention.
Partnership is the foundation for building a harmonious family. It is in the desire to help, prompt, understand and sympathize with the beauty of the soul of each person.
We should all try to make the life of our half better and easier, and not vice versa, to complicate it with constant quibbles and discontent. It only seems at first that life can not become a cause of discord and misunderstanding, in fact, it is household problems that often lead to divorce. And only in our power to understand what the psychology of the satellite’s behavior is and do everything to make the family life filled with joy and bright colors, and not with quarrels and reproaches.
Image credit: mohamed_hassan