Pets not only bring joy, demonstrate true devotion and love, but also teach trust, compassion and responsibility.
Everyone who has a puppy, cat in his house, knows how difficult it is to get rid of the smell of urine.
In fact, the emergence of the problem, in the first place, depends on the owners of the pet. Why does the animal leave “traces” throughout the apartment? There can be many reasons. For example, he does not like a tray or filler with an unknown odor, it is concerned about anything, has health problems or marks the territory. If the owner understands the reasons for the behavior of the animal, eliminate the cause of unpleasant odors will be much easier.
The method for removing the unpleasant odor of a pet depends on the type of surface on which the stain is located, and on how long it remained there.
Specialists of cleaning company will help to quickly get rid of such flavors after buying an apartment, or before the arrival of guests. In order to get rid of such spots yourself, you should know a few simple rules.
Means with a sharp odor
To get rid of a specific smell, many pet owners use a substance with a pungent smell, for example, chlorine-containing substances, bleaches and ammonia. Do not do this! Although such drugs kill microorganisms well, they are quite toxic, they can harm animals, because their sense of smell is much more sensitive than yours, and spoil the floor, wallpaper or furniture.
Applying aromatic oils, and other flavors, you simply interrupt for a while the smell for yourself. Rest assured, your animal feels it perfectly.
Oxidizing agents
In the urine of domestic animals contain crystals of uric acid. They are poorly soluble in water, so after normal washing they remain and dry up, and under the influence of moisture, they again begin to smell. Get rid of uric acid can help glycerin, manganese, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, iodine.
Which of the drugs to use depends on the material on which the stain was formed, and on how long it was there.
If you find a fresh stain or a puddle, before you treat them with any means, try to collect as much liquid as possible with paper napkins. After this, you can proceed to further processing.
For example, floors can be washed with water with iodine (up to 20 drops per 1 liter of water) or with vinegar (1 part vinegar and 4 parts water).
Fresh stains from clothes or upholstered furniture can be cleaned with ordinary household soap or a concentrated solution of baking soda. Some housewives use an oral rinse, a means for washing glasses.
Odor neutralizers
The modern chemical industry offers a huge amount of products to neutralize the smells of animals. When choosing them, you should pay attention to the means containing enzymes – enzymes that destroy the crystals of uric acid and neutralize the smell so that even an animal can not detect it. They are absolutely harmless to humans and animals.
Image credit: LUM3N