Regularly training during the year, you will definitely achieve certain success. However, sooner or later, you should pause and stop training for a while. This is due to the need for psychological or physical recovery.
It is important to understand the difference between the complete refusal of running, and the period of recovery, when it comes only to reducing the load. In the latter case it is allowed to run without any problems and goals – in any volume and with any tempo.
No matter what your program was effective, you will have to make scheduled or unplanned breaks anyway. Needless to say, it’s best that everything goes according to plan. But it should be borne in mind that in most cases a planned pause of 1-3 weeks will help to avoid a break when you are least expected. It is important to correctly recognize when it is necessary to completely abandon the run, or simply reduce volumes, while making light runs.
Below are some scenarios that will help you determine which type of breaks should be applied.
Chronic fatigue. Did you reach such a point when you feel sluggish, jogging begins with a sense of exhaustion, and maintaining a low pace for yourself goes a lot of effort? This is an obvious sign of chronic fatigue. To begin, reduce the load, and gradually go on to run without any problems. But, in case that it does not help, it will be necessary for a week or two to refuse training.
Psychological fatigue. In this case, it’s about the situation when, despite the purpose, you lose motivation. It is important to remember that the brain needs the same rest as the body. Due to the fact that he constantly focuses on achieving the goal, one moment comes fatigue and a small “reset” will only benefit him. Refrain from running training for a while, and motivation will definitely return.
Trauma. Not all injuries require termination of training. Of course, sometimes, weeks or two will be enough to completely recover, but some damage is compatible with the continuation of the training (naturally with the permission of the attending physician). In this case, the pain should gradually pass, otherwise it will be necessary for a while to forget about the run and undergo a course of treatment. However, it is not necessary to be very upset, during this period you can support the form with the help of alternative types of physical activity.
Lack of clear vision of the goal. This symptom is similar to the one with the only difference that psychological fatigue is not at all with it. You just do not know what you are aiming for, what distance you are preparing for, which means you waste time. In this situation, a complete refusal to run will help you to get together and feel what you really want – try yourself in overcoming the marathon, or train the pace for a very long distance with your personal record.
After the competition break. In most cases, a well-deserved rest from the run comes after the end of the competition period. If you have finished the season or finished in a marathon after a lengthy exhausting preparation, full relaxation is absolutely essential to you. Rest for a few weeks and begin to prepare for the next start with new forces.
It is very important to understand what purpose you pursue, reducing the load or refusing to run. Each aspect of your training should comprise an understanding of what you are doing for it. A break can have a positive effect – it will allow you to recover, regroup and psychologically tune, and negative – will increase the probability of getting injured when you decide too quickly to return to work. There may also be psychological abstinence from running, which will lead to a loss of interest in this sport.
Image credit: pixel2013, ernestoeslava